

Lexie came to Harmony Veterinary Center when she was just 8 weeks old, a bright happy puppy full of life and joy. When she was 5 months old that all changed. She became very ill and while at the emergency clinic one late night Lexie was diagnosed with sterile Spinal Meningitis, her family was devastated. They were in the process of getting pet insurance when she was diagnosed and with the diagnosis she would not qualify. The family had no hope and none of us at Harmony Veterinary Center could dream of putting Lexie down. We agreed to take custody of Lexie and do everything possible to heal her. The family agreed to help us raise money and stay active in Lexie’s life.

Lexie spent her days at Harmony Veterinary Center and received the best of complementary and traditional medical treatments. She was fostered by a neighborhood family and the Harmony Veterinary community came together and created the Helping Pets Fund to assist in paying for her medical expenses. Our Center and many other veterinarians donated time and service to help heal Lexie, even animal health companies like Merial and Idexx pitched in to help this special dog.

Lexie is now 5 1/2 years old. We have had the joy of watching her come back to full and vibrant health. She has been adopted by the foster family and her original family still has contact with her. Lexie has a rich social life, spending time at the clinic, not for treatment but to socialize and give love to all she meets. Lexi loves people and loves to love and be loved. When you come to the clinic spend a little time with this special being, she will bring joy to your heart.