About Us

Founded in 2011 through Harmony Veterinary Center, the Lexie Fund assists local pets in need who are expected to have positive medical outcomes. From professional services and diagnostic testing to medications and new home placement, the Lexie Fund enhances quality of life for those pets who need it most. Recipients include owned pets as well as shelter and foster animals, each evaluated on a case-by-case basis. In addition, the organization strives to provide the community with vital pet education through classes, trainings and other community events. 

Our organization was started by the contribution of one man, Calvin’s dad, who was overcome with gratitude for the care that Calvin received at Harmony Veterinary Center. People like you keep it going.

While Calvin was enjoying another happy year of life with his dad, Lexie was just a small puppy. She quickly became the rallying point for the new fund, having been diagnosed with spinal meningitis when she was five-months-old. For eighteen months, the community raised money and contributed services to help this very special dog. It became clear that Lexie’s legacy would be to bring comfort and support to other pets in need. From there, The Lexie Fund was formed.

We invite you to read more about Lexie and any number of our success stories. Our own hearts swell reflecting on the good that the Lexie Fund has accomplished thanks to community members like you. From the bottoms of our hearts, thank you for your support. ??

Lexie's Story

lexie-2Lexie came to Harmony Veterinary Center when she was just 8-weeks-old, a bright, happy puppy full of life and joy. When she was five-months-old, that all changed. Lexie became very ill, and while at the emergency clinic late one night, she was diagnosed with sterile Spinal Meningitis. Her family was devastated. They were in the process of getting pet insurance when she was diagnosed, and with the diagnosis she would no longer qualify.

Lexie had a serious nervous system insult. The family had no hope, and while the consensus of many vets was to put her down, none of us at Harmony Veterinary Center could dream of doing so. We agreed to take custody of Lexie and do everything possible to heal her. The family agreed to help us raise money and stay active in her life.

Lexie spent her days at Harmony Veterinary Center and received the best of both complimentary and traditional medical treatments. She was fostered by a neighborhood family who later adopted her, and the community of 5 Parks in Arvada came together to raise money for her medical expenses. In addition, many veterinarians donated their time and services. Even animal health companies like Merial and Idexx pitched in to help this special dog. Better yet, the whole community had the joy of watching her come back to full and vibrant health.

Now ten years old, Lexie is not only the founder of The Lexie Fund, but also the Harmony Veterinary Center mascot. She has a rich social life, and very much enjoys her time at the clinic where she provides love and support to pets and people who need it. It is only fitting for Lexie to give back to a community that gave so much to her. Her legacy is one of helping other pets achieve positive outcomes.

Saying Goodbye

Lexie_10th-BirthdayWith a final act of compassion, Lexie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge at sunset on Thursday evening, September 16, 2021, surrounded by her family and Harmony staff. We were blessed to have her in our lives for just over ten years. She is missed, and we are all a bit tender in the aftermath. Lexie had a way of knowing who needed a hug, or just how to flash her sweet smile to lift you up. She only knew love and shared it equally. She lived to serve others, and her essence is joyful loving kindness.

Her job at Harmony was ambassador of love and compassion. She took it seriously, helping both pets and people through good times and tough times. At her last visit to WRAH Oncology, she stopped to comfort another dog who was having a tough day and gave hugs to the staff. We want to thank everyone of you who contributed to the richness of her life, and to those of you who stopped in to visit with her in her final weeks. Lexie was a community dog from the beginning, and her legacy will live on to help the community through her Lexie Fund. Lexie will have a tree planted in her honor in the back yard at Harmony, and one at her mountain cabin that she loved very much. In lieu of flowers, we ask for donations to the Lexie Fund.

Thank you for sharing your love with Lexie over the years. You can read a full goodbye from Lexie’s family here.

Q&A with Lexie’s Best Friend & Sister, Sadie

My life would not be complete without Sadie, my BFF and little “sister.” She had a tough start in life before she found a forever home with me and my humans. I’m incredibly proud of this girl and I can’t wait for you to meet her. She’s so special that Harmony is building a reading corner in their new backyard just so she can hang out and cuddle with kids while helping them read! She absolutely LOVES kids and I know you’ll grow to love her as much as I do! Thanks for taking the time to learn a little bit more about her. Love, Lexie. Read now.

Information and Address

Office Hours

Monday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Wednesday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 9:00am – 5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Closed Saturday And Sunday

Contact Information