Do you own or rent your home?
If renting, do you have permission to foster animals?
Landlord Name
Landlord Address
Do you have a fenced yard?
Will you be able to keep the foster animals separate from your own and in an area that can be sterilized if necessary?
What kind of pet would you be willing to foster? Select all that apply.
Foster Aggreement

Upon approval of this foster application, I agree to care for all animals in accordance with The Lexie Fund Foster Care Procedures. I understand that anyone interested in adopting the foster animals must go through the standard adoption process. I have answered the questions above truthfully and completely. I understand that although the animal is under my care, the animal remains property of The Lexie Fund until otherwise advised. I also understand that The Lexie Fund takes care of all medical expenses while caring for this animal. I understand that I receive foster care animals at my own risk and can reject or return any animals for which The Lexie Fund has asked me to provide care.

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