Mr. Henry Snowshoes

Cat Executive Officer (CEO)

Mr. Henry came to Julia’s back yard in the late winter of 2015. Tired, hungry, hurt and scared it took several weeks to gain his trust. As the weeks passed he got thinner and thinner and Julia was not able to identify he had a home in the neighborhood. Eventually, he accepted food from Julia’s hand and allowed her to bring him to the clinic for care. He was close to starvation and had a bad infection. He was also very afraid of people, aggressive and use to running the show around dogs.

Over time with the use of fear free techniques, homeopathy, conventional treatment, and calming supplements Mr. Henry has become a stable engaging friend to everyone in the clinic.  Mr. Slick and Mateo have accepted him well and taught him the ropes about how to be a clinic cat.  Mr. Henry has taught them the fine point of singing for every meal and how to be just a little playful with people, cats, dogs and staff.

We love this guy and are so happy he is part of our staff.