teejayTeejay is a 12-year-old neuter male cat who now has a much longer life ahead of him. His family is being financially responsible for his care during a very difficult time for them. The Lexie Fund assisted Teejay’s family with a small gift and a negotiated rate for his life saving surgery. The family is continuing to make payments and raise funds, with the assistance of The Lexie Fund, to fulfill the cost of his surgery. Your donations go directly to support pets like Teejay. His mom sent in a beautiful letter of gratitude.

Dear Lexie Fund,
I want to express my deepest gratitude the assistance you provided Teejay and our family. Teejay has been a member of our family since he was a kitten and The Lexie Fund gift came to our aid in a grand way just when I needed it most!

During a time of financial stress, Teejay developed a slight limp. I though he injured his hip or knee jumping off the table. I checked it and thought I’d keep an eye on it. It seemed to get better and he wasn’t limping so I left it and decided to observe and see how he did.

After about a month, Teejay began limping again and wasn’t bearing weight on his leg. He seemed uncomfortable and I knew he needed to be checked. As it turns out, the x-rays showed there was a mass or tumor on his femur and the bone was disintegrating. It was hard to determine from looking at the x-rays if it was a malignant tumor/mass or due to injury, but it was aggressive and he needed surgery.

Through the excellent team effort and collaboration at Harmony Veterinary Center, it was decided it was necessary to amputate Teejay’s leg at the hip. The team did an amazing job! They took such care and precision in this massive, complex surgery. I’m/we’re forever grateful for the support, kindness, compassion, and care from all the staff at Harmony Veterinary Center. The follow-up care and rehab has been wonderful! It seems the tumor/mass was caught in time.

Teejay now enjoys the many things he couldn’t do when the tumor was active. He’s doing much better, active, social and isn’t in pain or discomfort. He gets around amazingly well! We are looking forward to working with The Lexie Fund to pay forward the gift we have been given.

Thank you so much again!!
Rose Ogata
